Electrician Booking App

Elect2U App Design

Case Study

Project overview

The Product

Elect2U is an app that provide high quality service. It connect people with a professional in the electrical services. It’s target users are people who need electrical service but has no knowledge. Ideal users are with busy schedule and high quality standards

Project Duration

November 2022 to January 2023

The problem:

Busy people find hard time to schedule qualified electrician and know the bill before the worked is done.

The Goal

To give busy people opportunity to find the best qualified electrician near them and schedule appointment and pay before the appointment.

My Role

UX designer. As such I design a the app from concept to delivery


Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs. Documenting design process and prepare stickers sheets.

Understanding the user

User Research Summary

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I’m designing for and their needs. A primary user group identified through research
was working adults who don’t have electrical knowledge and need professional at least once a month.

This user group confirmed initial assumptions about Elect2U potential users, but research also revealed that electrical knowledge was not the only factor that make the users difficult to choose electricians.  Other user problems included obligations, interests, or challenges make it difficult for them to schedule electrician appointment.

Comparison Scale

Electrician websites do not provide scale that user can compare each electrician.


Electrician websites do not publish their service prices.


Working adults are too busy and hard to find available slot in both calendar - their and the electrician.


Electrician websites are not compactable with assistive technologies.


Ashey's Problem Statement

Ashey is a traumatologist, who needs to calculate her electrician expenses, because she has a limited budget.

Tom's Problem Statement
Tom is a truck driver, who needs to book electrician for a specific time slot, because he is traveling a lot and will be at home on specific date.

User journey map

Ashey's Journey Map
Mapping Ashey’s user journey revealed how helpful it would be for users to have application that give full information for the electricians – such as rating, bio, prices.
Tom's Journey Map
Mapping Tom’s user journey revealed how helpful it would be for users to have calendar to choose slots from, as well the application to be completable with screen readers.

Informational Architecture

Main User Flow

Starting the design
Paper wirefarames

Digital wireframes
Low-fidelity prototype
Usability studies

Paper wireframes

Taking the time to draft iterations of each screen of the app on paper ensured that the elements that made it to digital wireframes would be well-suited to address user pain points. For the home screen, I prioritised an easy comparing between professionals and quick booking process to help users make informative choice and save time.

Digital Wireframes

As the initial design phase continued, I made sure to base screen designs on feedback and findings from the user research.

Easy filtration was a key for finding the best professional available in the right time.

Low-fidelity Prototype

Using the completed set of digital wireframes, I created a low-fidelity prototype. The primary user flows I connected were booking electrician, change some personal data, so the prototype could be used in a usability study.

View the Elect2U lo-fi prototype

Usability Study Parameters


Unmoderated usability study


Bulgaria, Remote


2 males, 2 females, 1 prefer not to say


10-20 minutes

Usability Study Findings

I conducted two rounds of usability studies. Findings from the first study helped guide the designs from wireframes to mockups. The second study used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining.
Round 1 findings
Users need a better cues for where the filtration option is.

User need a way to book electrician for multiple services at once.
Users need a better cues what is their current location.
Round 2 findings
Users need an option for online payment before the appointment.

Users need a better cues for where the language switcher is.
Refining the Design

High-fidelity prototype

Paper wireframes

Early designs allowed for some customization, but after the usability studies, I added additional options to search electrician near user. I also revised the design so users can see in the cards the distance from their location and how experience each professional is.


Early designs allowed for some customization, but after the usability studies, I added additional options to search electrician near user. I also revised the design so users can see in the cards the distance from their location and how experience each professional is.


Key Mockups

High-fidelity Prototype

The final high-fidelity prototype presented cleaner user flows for booking electrician and checkout. It also met user needs for an online payment and multi-service appointment.

View the Elect2U hi-fi prototype

Accessibility Considerations

Provided access to users who are vision impaired through adding alt text to images for screen readers.

Used icons to help make navigation easier.
Refined the color to make sure we cover the contrast standards.
Going Forward

Next Steps


The app makes user feel secure and safe that they can take the best informative decision when choosing professional service.
What I learned
While designing the Elect2U, I learned that the first ideas for the app are only the beginning of the process. Usability studies and peer feedback influenced each iteration of the app’s designs.
The app made it so easy to choose and book electrician! I can even pre-calculate the service price so I can be sure I can afford it! That is so awesome.”

Next Steps

Conduct another round of usability studies to validate whether the pain points users experienced have been effectively addressed.

Conduct more user research to determine any new areas of need.
Transit the mobile design to desktop and search for available expand of the app functionality.

Thank you!

Thank you for your time reviewing my work on the EectU2 app! If you’d like to see more or get in touch, my contact information is provided below.